RAW251.ZIP 328,677 10-22-94 ROMANS AT WAR Door Game - Vers 2.51 From thePillars of Hercules to the Indus river theempires in the era of Rome battle for worlddomination. Inter-BBS capable. Geographicaland political maps. Six players per game
RBBJ105.ZIP 169,935 04-15-94 RIVERBOAT BLACKJACK Door Game - Vers 1.05Multi-player Realtime Rip and Ansi Blackjackgame. Players take on the character of 1800sriverboat gambler 'seated' at the table withup to four others. Supports most popular BBS
RD104.ZIP 69,767 05-12-94 The Raw Deal v1.04 creates a color & RIPscreen for PCBoard & Wildcat that informsyour users the number of days passed and leftof "The Raw Deal". No registration or fee!
RDRM32.ZIP 187,885 08-04-94 READROOM v3.2 RIPped online magazine door.Support for ASCII, ANSI text, ANSIART & RIPHolds 99 publications in the READROOM.TOCformat. Designed for ease of updating onsingle and multi-node systems. Users can d/l
READUSA1.ZIP 95,926 08-14-94 READUSA V1.00 - The Premier News Reader Doorfor USA Today Decisionline. Can easily beconfigured to keep a week's worth of news orjust one day. Option to Download the archivefrom within the door! Creates audit trail of
READ_396.ZIP 101,097 01-08-95 THE READER V3.96 - Online Mailreader/door forRA, SBBS, QBBS, ProBoard 2.0x and any otherBBS creating DORINFOx.DEF. Supporting HUDSON,JAM and SQUISH Msgbase Style. Full Desqview,
REAL.ZIP 93,117 09-19-94 A great door program for real estate sales.
RECIPE1.ZIP 158,759 03-14-94 Recipe viewer vol.1 version 1.0 This programallows the user to view recipes in 5different catagories. Once registered it asoallows the user to download a catagorie. Thisdoor support non standard com ports and
REGGEN.ZIP 40,402 04-18-94 >>>> Registration Generator! <<<<< Gives yourBBS that professional look! This programprovides a fun and easy way for your BBSusers to register as as a contributor to yourBBS. Easy to configure to your board
REMIND18.ZIP 126,480 10-06-94 REMIND ME ! - Reminder Door v1.8 Part of theSunrise Door Collection Callers leaveREMINDERS to themselves. They are remindeddaily/on a specific date/day of week/date ofthe month. Reminders displayed to caller when
RESCUE27.ZIP 223,345 10-06-94 Rescue - Door Game v2.7 . Part of the SunriseDoor Collection Rescue all the hotel guestsbefore the bombs explode! Fast-paced,frustrating and FUN! Supports Fossil-basedMulti-Port cards, including the PCBoard /M
RIPBJ29.ZIP 94,324 12-17-94 RIPbJack v2.8 - RIP Blackjack - Features Loca* * RIPscrip Blackjack For Searchlight BBSv4.0 * Features Include, SL Modem Unit, LocalRIP * graphics & Sound-Quiet during Remote l
RIPDOR20.ZIP 109,902 09-06-94 RIPDOOR 2.0 - This BBS door allows the userto download a RIP terminal package and RIPICON package from your BBS. Works on almostall BBS's, using any of 9 drop file formats.Multi-node, DESQview, Windows compatible.
RIPGAL40.ZIP 94,172 07-29-94 RIP Gallery v4.0 - A BBS door to view RIPPictures. RIP Gallery runs with most majorBBS drop files and will work whether you runa RIP compatible BBS or not. 100% RIP with alocal mode. From Beakware Software.
RIPV10.ZIP 184,080 03-11-94 RIPVIEW v1.0 An Art Gallery of online RIPMastery !!!! RipView The Door, users canview, download and upload .Rip files.Supports PCBoard, VBBS, RBBS, QBBS, SF, WC,UBBS, TG, TriBBS, RA and any other DOOR.SYS
RIPVEW20.ZIP 358,181 09-10-94 OzarkSoft RIPView door is a door program forviewing RIP graphic screens. RIPView allowsthe SysOp to see the graphic screens at thesame time the remote user is viewing them.You do not have to have a RIP aware BBS to
RIPVIRS.ZIP 574,862 05-29-94 TeleVirs Photo Image Viewer/Cataloger WillDisplay TeleVirs Created Photo Files!FREEWARE! For Info On How You Can Offer TheTeleVirs Process Which Produces The PhotoFiles For Online Or Stand Alone Display,
RK950.ZIP 497,276 01-31-95 Rebel Kingdom On-Line Door Game for most BBSa medievil RPG where you build your kingdom wThe game takes place in the 16th century. Youcrops, investments, gambling and capturing la
RNAWAY51.ZIP 386,211 12-01-94 R U N A W A Y - - The Ultimate Onliner.RUNAWAY is an interactive online game designebulletin board systems, but it can be run witBBS as well! You have run away from home, and
RROOM101.ZIP 408,857 05-11-94 The Reading Room. Users Read Your Choice.
RRX218.ZIP 361,149 10-22-94 RAILROAD EMPIRES Door Game - Vers 2.18Railroad Tycoon Door game. You are one of sixrailroad tycoons who attempt to take overmost the US and Canadian railroads. Operatethe railroad and make a profit. Invest in
RTAPE400.ZIP 551,261 11-11-94 RoboTape v4.00 Users download from tape CDrom and hard drive areas. Has great RIPgraphics support. Supports multiple tapes,cds, and cd drives. File tagging and fileratios, dbase engines, quality file base
RTP194.ZIP 281,461 08-12-94 RISE TO POWER Door Game - Vers 1.94 Now withAutomatic Multi-node lockout! Game ofintrigue in 15th Century Germany. Usingtreachery, diplomacy, marriage, assassins,combat and other strategies common to the
RUM101.ZIP 4,706 03-14-94 Forum Hack Rumours 1.01
RUMOR20.ZIP 15,021 03-12-94 RUMOR V2.0 - Allows Users To Add To YourQuote/Rumor File
RV111.ZIP 107,978 09-25-94 RIPView v1.11 - RIPView is a door that willautomatically detect RIPScrip Graphics andwill show the user up to 1000 screens.RIPView will display ASCII, ANSI and RIPScripscreens. RIPView supports languages, the
SARA32B.ZIP 217,812 08-24-94 SARATOGA RACEWAY v3.2b NOW SUPPORT COM1-COM4NON-STD IRQ's/NON-STD BPS/NON-STD PORTS/115KPROBLEMS-Multi-Node/DesqView before? ALL OK!Fast ANSI Animated Grafix/Music. Addictive!!
SATINITA.ZIP 262,036 05-26-94 Satinit v2.4 Satellite Interragator This isthe 3rd. public release of Satinit ,Satellite Interragator. Designed for bothStand Alone & BBS use. Satinit providesinfor- mation on Orbits, Launch Sites, and
SCAV200.ZIP 198,579 10-31-94 Scavenger Hunt is a door of intensecompetition! Searching, Stealing, andhiding... setting traps and carefullyavoiding set-ups by other players! Locate theobjects on your list before you opponents can
SCORE-ME.ZIP 18,617 09-01-94 SCORE-ME.EXE__Version I.O____________________=============================================This program is an accessory used in tandemwith VGA Planets to create one of three types
SCORE11.ZIP 40,592 08-14-94 SCOREIT! version 1.1 now creates RIP scoresbulletin for the door game, JUMBLE. It hasbeen tested with version 1.0 of JUMBLE! Itsupplies colorful bulletins in standardWildcat .BBS(@BBS@) and .RIP formats. This is
SCRBD4E9.ZIP 119,033 02-25-94 Scrabble Door v4.0E - Shareware Release BBSDoor adaptation of the popular Scrabble boardgame! Supports many different BBS fileformats internally. Uses a FOSSIL ifavailable - not required. Supports its own
SCUBA30.ZIP 140,474 04-01-94 Scuba Diving Training & Trivia v3.0. The longawaited release of the Door created by DanBernasconi for Spitfire is NOW available formost any BBS types. Another Door from DanBernasconi.
SEARCH37.ZIP 163,363 08-14-94 Word Search - Door Game v3.7 . Part of theSunrise Door Collection All-time favoritepuzzle game. Choose a word from the WordList, locate it on the letter grid and earnpoints! Makeup games missed, during the
SEA_DV20.ZIP 74,177 11-20-94 Sea Hunt Door Ver 2.0 with OnLine Play!Allows Online Play even UnRegistered! AllowsSetup even while UnRegistered! Can leavemessages in Games for opponent! AllowsDiagonal Ships, ScatterBombs, Mines,& Fatal
SEL'M_20.ZIP 140,959 07-26-94 SELL'EM.EXE v2.0 - BBS Advertisement Door.BBS Callers may place ads for all callers toview. A file may be uploaded to the ad forcallers to download. Up to 20 databases withunlimited ads within each database. Features
SEVNELVN.ZIP 73,450 02-03-95 Seven/Eleven v1.00 By DKS Software. MostBBS's supported. A dice game in which you tryto match your first roll or get a 7 or 11 onyour first roll. Similar to Craps. Whenregistered features make-up missed days and
SEVTOW13.ZIP 156,986 10-19-94 Seven Towers v1.3 On-Line Door Game A funlittle dominoe game that is addictive. Thegame play is made up of seven columns stackedfour high. Object is to remove two dominoeswhose pip value is 12 points. It takes luck
SHADOW1.ZIP 374,599 01-20-95 Shadow Board Version 1.0 Real Time SysOp /BBS Simulation Door Game. Players can selectBBS, up to 8 "Shadow Nodes", Fake InterNetand Online Store connection, Virus Scan,Artificial Intelligent users log into the
SHELIA01.ZIP 104,741 05-04-94 Shelia, The Infamous Hillarious AI Chat Door
SHELLS.ZIP 68,052 09-08-94 NEW! Shells! Door 9/94 Fun BBS game for allusers, the ancient game of Shuffle.ExcitingANSI graphics & movement, special effects!Bulletins output. Full multinode support.Score Tracking. More, much more! Easy to
SHOP220.ZIP 565,012 02-02-95 SHOPDOOR v2.20 The Ultimate TeleShopping-Doorfor Firms, Sponsors, Sysops andRegistration-Sites !!! The following optionsare implemented: - Multi-BBS systemCompatible Door (RA v1.11, RA v2.0x, Proboard
SHOPPER.ZIP 102,399 05-24-94 Online Shopper DEMO. External Shopping & OrdEasy for users to use. You can set up your owshipping methods for your users to select froyour products and order. Once registered wil
SHUFFL29.ZIP 166,106 03-14-94 Word Shuffle - Door Game v2.9 . Part of theSunrise Door Collection Word letters areshuffled and the player must unscramble them.Includes a database/event manager. BRUN45.EXEno longer required! Supports Fossil-based
SLINE200.ZIP 172,408 11-04-94 SuperLine v2.00 - A small door program thatallows users to post one-line messages thatmay be read by others at logon. SupportsWildcat 3.x, RA 1.x, 2.x, QuickBBS 2.7x,2.8x, SuperBBS 1.1x, ProBoard 1.x, 2.x and
SNOOPV11.ZIP 59,064 08-17-94 SNOOP V1.1 will keep those prying eyes out ofDoors you have chosen. Can be configured toshow a 1 or 2 line message with the abilityto DROP CARRIER on the offender as well. If
SOL18.ZIP 154,369 10-19-94 Solitaire v1.8 Online Door Game Solitaireplays just like your ordinary game Some nicefeatures have been added to this game though.Full ansi and ANSI MUSIC. SOLITAIRE ONLINE
SOTL110.ZIP 86,291 09-16-94 SHIP OF THE LINE -Vers 1.10-Batten down thehatches and man the cannons for you are aboutto sail in harms way! Journey back in time inthis DOOR Game of the period where you will
SPRTRV38.ZIP 143,293 10-18-94 NCAA Sports Trivia v3.8 A college sports BBSdoor program from PAROLE Software.Automatically resets each month. Create fullcolor ANSI, WC!3.x, PCBoard and RIP graphicbulletins. Registered SysOps may DL an edito
SR230.ZIP 239,411 09-03-94 Space Race (Door Game) ver. 2.30 Try tobecome the strongest empire. Very challagingdue to movement taking place in using a 3dimentional area. Now ues DOORFRAME Library,supporting Non-Standard Comport & IRQ's.
SS14TW.ZIP 37,630 12-29-94 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=SUPPLY SHIP 1.4 - for TradeWars version 2-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=The SUPPLY SHIP is one of several add-on'sfor TradeWars 2002 version 2 from the
ST3B_41E.ZIP 255,562 10-20-94 StormTape ]I[ (v4.1b-z) The Ultimate TapeRetrieval Door For Your BBS Up to 13Different Tape Lastings! Works With Versions!Easier Setup Program! DIRECTLY SuppDownloadable Tape Listings File! RIP Support
STACK!31.ZIP 87,840 06-24-94 Stack'Em! v3.1. 'Tetris' type DOOR game formany BBS types from J & W Software.Maintenance release to version 3.0. New inv3.x - RIPscrip graphics, configurable Bonus,two new movement commands, sound and more.
STAIR10.ZIP 338,828 01-15-95 STAIRWAY - Door Game v1.0 . Part of theSunrise Door Collection A word game that willput your vocabulary skills to the test. Thecomputer selects the starting letter andplayer must make words ranging from 2-7
STALL-10.ZIP 28,335 03-20-94 The Toilet Stall 1.0 THE TOILET STALL is anon-line "ONE-LINER" door for BBS's. It hassupport for many of the most popular BBS'sincluding TriBBS, PCBoard, GAP, (DOOR.SYS),SPITFIRE, WILDCAT!, RBBS, and WWIV. Easy to
STATES20.ZIP 46,022 01-30-94 A simple states - states' capitals quiz do
STORY11.ZIP 91,671 06-20-94 The StoryMaker Door v1.1 By Arti SoftwareAllows your users to create or add to anexisting Story for online viewing for yourcallers.
STTES.ZIP 175,429 02-26-94 Super Trek Trivia 1.0! Lets the Trekkieschoose from 5 question topics or combine allof them into one. Topics include:Deep Space 9Original Series,Startrek Movies, and The Next
STUPID11.ZIP 282,658 12-06-94 Simply the ULTIMATE Planets Interface Door(S.T.U.P.I.D?) - Over a year in the making.Full support for many external VGA Planetsutilities (such as BLANK.EXE, REF.EXE andMASTER2.EXE). Excellent features; more than
SUMV100.ZIP 79,765 01-23-95 * SUMMATION! V1.00 with FULL RIP SUPPORT! Astrategy game where the players must usecareful selection and addition to defeatthier computer or human opponents. SupportsREAL-TIME multi-user, multi-node, DOOR.SYS,
SURVEY10.ZIP 164,908 12-12-94 SURVEY - Door Utility v1.0 . Part of theSunrise Door Collection Take SURVEYS or VOTEon issues. Allows for up to 10 Surveys, up to25 questions per Survey, up to 10 choices per
SWEEPS18.ZIP 223,852 08-14-94 SWEEPSTAKES DICE - Door Game v1.8 . Part ofthe Sunrise Door Collection A fast paced,challenging dice game where you bet on theoutcome of the roll of 6 dice. Automatic gamereset & Hall of Fame bulletins at end of
SYN005.ZIP 235,068 02-03-95 Synabacab v0.0.5 Alpha - Science Fiction RPGSupports ANSI and RIP graphics! Very SysOp coFOSSIL, MultiTasker Friendly, DOOR.sys, DORINIt's new in '95 from Digital Genesis SoftwareMajor bug fix release!
TCHATV30.ZIP 50,396 11-29-94 THE CHAT v3.0 The chat is a "very slick"split screen chat for sysops. swinging barshows who is cur- rently talking, eleminatesthe annoy person who types when you do. Uses:Door.sys, PCBoard, Wilcat,
TCM25.ZIP 37,913 08-13-94 Three Card Monte. The old carnival game. Afast paced ANSI graphic door gameDORINFOx.DEF- DOOR.SYS- SPITFIRE- Fossilsupport - Multi node DesqView - LAN awareEasy to play but challenging
TDD100.ZIP 40,871 12-15-94 The Display Door (TDD) v1.00. Display normaltext files of any length in ASCII, ANSI andRIP graphics with one file. Allows sysop todefine type of continuation prompts usersees. Fully interrupt driven, supports
TDICE100.ZIP 71,626 02-03-95 Target Dice v1.00 By DKS Software. Most BBS'ssupported. A dice game in which you try tomatch or come close to the computers roll andwin money. When registered features make-upmissed days and bulletin generator.
TELDR004.ZIP 43,173 12-27-94 BBS door program to allow access to theInternet for oS/2
TERRA835.ZIP 840,696 12-03-94 Terra-Firma Real Time Interactive Space WarBiggest and the best! 10000 sector UniverseRobot Players, Robot transports, Co-Pilotsfor continued play while off line! Real timeship to ship attacks and Trading! E-Mail or
TERRAFIX.ZIP 103,009 01-22-95 Bug fix for Terra Firma door game v8.35
TFB110.ZIP 86,843 09-16-94 TASK FORCE BROADSIDE -Vers 1.10-Anchors awayand full steam ahead in this light heartedbut fun game which is half wargame and halfcard game and takes place in the PacificOcean of the 1940's. Using drydock, sub
TGD210.ZIP 160,356 11-26-93 The Graffiti Door - Version 2.10 SupportsRIPscrip Graphics on both the user user ANDSysop Side! Concurrent Multi-Node Support;Fossil, Uart (including Fifo's), & DigiBoardsupport. Also supports locked bps rates,
TGQUOT50.ZIP 192,228 06-23-94 TGQuote v5.0 - Quote file generator for allBBS software. Makes a bulletin in ASCII,ANSI, and RIP graphics. User can create acustom layout in ANSI mode, or import abackground picture/layout in ANSI or RIP
THE70S10.ZIP 141,706 06-01-94 The 70's! Trivia v1.0 - A BBS Door Game aboutthe time and troubles during the period ofthe 70's in the U.S. RIP Graphics Support.Another BBS Door program from Dan Bernasconi.
THEHACK4.ZIP 168,070 05-16-94 The Hack Door Game V4.0 - Users Think TheyAre Hacking Into Other BBS's
THINK20.ZIP 58,557 01-08-95 Thinker V2.0 by McSoft Corp. Thinker is afun, simple online card game which challengesyou to achieve the highest monthly scorepossible. This game is similar to the game of"Concentration" as seen on television.
THRTEN12.ZIP 156,806 10-19-94 Thirteen v1.2 On-Line Door Game Here is anice ANSI card game that your users willlove. Has many nice features to the game.Object of the game is to clear a foundationof eight cards. Make match of using only 2
TJBC10.ZIP 163,209 06-26-94 T&J Business Cards Door v1.0: Online businesscards for your BBS. Supports searching, UL &DL of advertisements for each card, ASCIIlisting, bulletins, import/export cards with
TJBIBL10.ZIP 322,046 02-12-94 T&J Software's Bible Online Door v1.0:Supports most BBS systems, fossil drivers,and digiboard systems. Online searching ineach book or the entire Bible. Registeredversion requires approx. 10 megs free.
TJHELP.TXT 7,637 09-08-94 Tips and Tricks from T&J Software
TJPOK162.ZIP 173,337 05-28-94 T&J Video Poker! v1.62 You set the payoff,2's or better to Ace's or better! High handof the day gets a BONUS tomorrow! BONUS issysop configurable, various COM ports, DESQ-view and Network ready, top ten, alltime
TLIS100.ZIP 96,513 09-02-94 TeleList v1.00 - Full Featured Online BBSListing Door. Compatible with any BBS able toproduce a standard DOOR.SYS or DORINFO#.DEFformat dropfile. Features Long/Short Listing,
TLIST13.ZIP 40,654 05-13-94 TheList v1.03. BBS Listings Door! For WildCat& Spitfire. Limited only by Hard Drive Space!
TLLV17U.ZIP 635,484 04-20-94 The Lost Lands fantasy door v1.72
TMASTR50.ZIP 152,957 10-03-94 Trivia MASTER! v5.0 BBS Door game. ANSIgraphics, Multinode and DTE bps speeds up to115kbps. Included also a free Rock'n Rolldatabase with over 40 years of trivia for allages. REG version includes a free 5 game MENU
TNT110.ZIP 199,425 07-15-94 Tunnels-N-Tombs V1.10 (TNT). Door Game ByJohn Parlin.
TODWV111.ZIP 549,691 08-02-94 The Tombs of Dzino Warluck Chapter================== Tombs of Dzinor is the 1stpart of a new multi-node interactive FantasyRole Playi EGA/VGA graphics interface!! Thisis the game you've been waiting for! wizard.
TON_BETA.ZIP 144,687 11-20-94 Temple of the Netherworld.
TOPDIE.ZIP 6,607 04-01-94 Top Die v1.0
TPM_50.ZIP 196,923 06-01-94 The Pool Machine Version 5.0 - Run a sportspool on your BBS. Can be set up to run a realtime pool or pick it's own winners. Comeswith all game data for the 1994 NFL season.Easy remote maintenance, 6 week full demo use
TPSV099A.ZIP 109,736 09-27-94 The Polling Station Voting Door 0.99a
TRAF6_03.ZIP 115,541 07-30-94 Traffic Jam v6.03 - Door Game for any BBS sysUpgraded Traffic Jam door game for many BBS sMost major BBS drop files supported. ANSI grawhere you try to get from home to the airport
TRIBINGO.ZIP 143,276 07-08-94 Tri-Bingo v2.2 - Door Game by Mike Jordan.The best Bingo Door Game available. Manyfeatures, play up to 3 cards at a time andchoose from several types of Bingo games.Several "Special" games that allow bonus
TRIV111.ZIP 145,829 04-15-94 BBS Trivia! Door v1.11 by BRL-Cowan City SoftExcellent trivia game. Comes with a 100question database with more available fromthe support boards. Supports up to 115k baudrate, COM1-4, non-standard IRQ's, DESQview
TRIVIA20.ZIP 170,038 03-14-94 Sunrise TRIVIA Door Game v2.0 . Part of theSunrise Door Collection Nothing fancy, just agood old solid TRIVIA Door game. QuestionDatabase, change the questions via your Event
TRKTRV18.ZIP 161,168 10-16-94 Star Trek Trivia v1.8 Enhancement Release!The Ultimate "Star Trek" Trivia Door Game!Has over 300+ trivia questions with fourmultiple choice answers regarding all "StarTrek" facets, i.e. ST:TOS, ST:TMP, ST:TNG,
TRPUL123.ZIP 105,522 01-04-95 TDM's TRACTOR PULL NATIONALS! NEWEST VERSION(1.23) * Released: Jan 4, 1995 * *Last MonthsDirt Merchant Bug Fix* ^^^ ^^^ A User againstUser ANSI Doorgame featuring Tractor PullingMachines with competetive action! Full
TSHOP213.ZIP 378,283 06-17-94 THE BEST ONLINE . STORE EVER! . . eleshoppe!. v2.13 . . The most complete on-line storeavailable for all BBS types. Sell your itemsonline without effort. TeleShoppe features anexcellent dbase manager, Configurable
TSIN-11.ZIP 59,336 01-18-94 Updated Install program for TeleShoppe 2.10.This Install corrects the problem of notcreating the necessary sub- directories ifTSHOP dir was already created.
TURBO10.ZIP 179,112 11-22-94 TURBO-LIST Version 1.0. This new BBS listingutility will allow your users to add theirBBS number to a list of national systems fromwithin your DOOR. New national lists can be
TUT15.ZIP 155,645 10-19-94 Tuts Revenge v1.5 On-Line Door Game You mayknow this game as Pyramid 13. Game is done inANSI. Has some real nice features to thegame. Works on cursor movement. A must gamefor you solitaire type players. PYRAMID TUT
TVTRV.ZIP 141,330 04-21-94 RON KEENEY'S Tuff TV Trivia BBS Door! Greattrivia for the past 40 years of television.No expire - fully playable. 150 greatquestions. Only $10 to register full versionwhich includes 500 plus questions plus
TWBICONS.ZIP 487,986 06-12-94 The ICONS for BOB ver 1.00 This file containsall the ICONS needed for The World of BOBcame from DUOnline & ASware. It also contiansthe BOBICONS.DAT file needed for BOB'sinternal icon scanner. NOTE!!! BOB100.ZIP
TWHELP86.ZIP 254,277 09-19-94 Trade Wars Helper release 8.6 is a terminalprogram with an optional Graphical UserInterface used ONLINE with the BBS door game"Trade Wars 2002". It maintains a database ofsectors with the known port and warp to
TWHGUI86.ZIP 423,818 09-19-94 Trade Wars Helper w/GUI (8.6) is a terminalprogram with an optional Graphical UserInterface used ONLINE with the BBS door game"Trade Wars 2002". It maintains a database ofsectors with the known port and warp to
TWORLD.ZIP 188,706 09-30-94 The Ultimate In Trade Wars (v2.0) Add-OnPrograms. TRADE WORLD Will Add A NewDimension To Your Game! Similar To TWSERVICES, Written For TW (v2.0) Beta 5.Download This And Let Your Users Decide!
TWSC011.ZIP 40,093 09-28-94 Trade Warz Sector Crunch For TW2, you can nowlog all the Sector data, without having towrite anything down, handles 4000 sectors,multiple games++ more v.o11
TYAHTZ64.ZIP 241,197 03-14-94 TRIPLE YAHTZEE - Door Game v6.4 . Part of theSunrise Door Collection Great Dice game.Plays like the popular board game and is VERYADDICTIVE! One of the top 5 Door games in theworld. Supports Fossil- based Multi-Port
UABG24.ZIP 277,810 07-10-94 ULTRASOFT ANIMATED BACKGAMMON <v2.4> UPGRADE!GRAPHICS ACTION DOOR Game with FIXES to v2.3.BackGammon EXCITING?? YOU BET!! Exceptionallyrealistic, RIP-Like, Fast ANSI graphic Board.
ULTI20.ZIP 62,085 06-12-94 * * UltiList 2.0 - The Ultimate BBS List * *Awesome graphics, many features! Post a newBBS into some message bases! Extensivesearching capablities, brief and in-depthlists of bulletin board systems. Usable with
UNIMSG10.ZIP 67,834 11-21-94 UniMessage 1.00 BBS door for caller creationof display files. This door will give you,the SysOp, the chance to give your callers away to write messages to be seen duringlogin, logoff, from the bulletin menu, or at
USADOR11.ZIP 360,012 10-09-94 -=-=-Planet Connect's USA Today Door-=-=- AFree On-Line USA Today Decision Line ReaderDoor. Provided by Planet Systems and JamesSonger. Version 1.1
USBDOR53.ZIP 121,947 12-23-93 USBBSDOR 5.3. USBBS Listing Door. Search byArea Code, State, Text, Modem, BBS or New.Automated monthly maintenance. Colorizes liston the fly. DESQview aware. Easy to install.
USCG10.ZIP 137,978 04-01-94 USCG Captains License Quiz v1.0. A samplequiz of the questions asked by the USCG forthose taking the Captains License Exams. FromDan Bernasconi.
USCON11E.ZIP 50,199 11-27-94 Reference Series U.S. Constitution doorsupport - Local - 57,600 baud Brewi.
USLOTS17.ZIP 208,614 08-27-94 ULTIMATE SLOTS v1.7 GRAPHIC ACTION DOOR GAME!UPDATE Fixes Ultimate Slots v1.6 ScoreBoard.Called the "Mercedes" of Online Slot Games,Fast RIP-Like Ansi Graphics & Music set this
USURP07A.ZIP 645,884 10-28-94 * -=-=[ Usurper Version 0.07 ] =-=- * UPDATE0.07A DATED 10-27-94 Great! DND/RPG MonsterBash Door Game from JAS Software. Hours ofFUN!
VBOX-105.ZIP 24,935 04-24-94 (((((( VOTEBOX Version 1.05 )))))) Can haveto 10,000 topics to vote on Easy to use, ZEROmaintenence! Sysop can edit & kill booths.New version has option "ANSWER ALL". Newupdated status bar and monitoring system.
VCC115.ZIP 110,379 01-15-95 * VIP*Charge Card Door for BBS * v1.15 * Makemoney $$$ Accept MasterCard/Visa BBS SysOpsreceive monthly $$checks$$ Quick EZ setup forautomated operation Fully configurablescreens and menus Supports extended product
VERIFAST.ZIP 19,766 04-07-94 VERIFAST is a utility designed to turn offgraphics for 2400 baud callers when enteringa door. It was designed for use with VERIFIXon my system, but should work with any doorwhere you are having unbearable slowdowns.
VFIXRIP.ZIP 10,411 09-30-94 Rip Screens to be used with VERIFIX 5.xcallback verifier
VFY!34A.ZIP 192,402 02-01-94 VERIFY!.EXE v3.4 - BBS online call backverification door program. Call back numbersare under the full control of the sysop.ERRORLEVELs returned to calling batch filefor your online security level adjustment
VIDEO_BN.ZIP 136,251 11-09-94 Video Bandit v1.1 - Door Game. Video Poker ina Slot Machine. Pull the Handle and watch the5 cards spin. Select the cards to Hold orDiscard and spin again. Payoff is based onthe "Hand" that comes up. VB has RIP and
VIDPOKER.ZIP 164,603 07-06-94 Video Poker v1.8 - On-Line Video Poker Gamethat plays like casino type Video Poker. Gamecan be configured to play either Jacks orBetter or any pair to pay off. Keeps track ofusers stats from pairs to royal flushes.
VMA105.ZIP 100,692 01-15-95 * VIP*Merchant Charge Card Door v1.05 *Charge Card Door for SysOps with their ownMasterCard/Visa Merchant Account Quick EZsetup for automated operation Fullyconfigurable screens and menus Supports
VOTE1(C).ZIP 125,113 08-22-94 The Voting Works 1.0C The Premier VotingBooth Door Supports : Wildcat! version 2.x,3.x and 4.x PCBoard version 12 and 14.x orabove PCBoard verion 15.x GAP any versionRBBS any version QBBS any version WWIV
VOTE199C.ZIP 123,539 02-14-94 Voter Plus 1.99C - Finest Voting Door Ever!Up To 99 Booths, 25 Answers Per Booth. AllowsCaller To Create, And Optionally Edit &Delete Booths. *SUPERB* ANSI BarGraph DisplayOf Results. Option To Allow Voter To Change
VOTEDR01.ZIP 44,258 07-11-94 * VoteDoor v1.0 by T.F.F. Utilities* State ofthe art online voting booth that allows usersto add questions, vote, display results andadd there own answers to questions. Features:
VPADDONS.ZIP 995,293 11-13-94 A collection of utilities for vga planets.
VPCEW200.ZIP 398,040 07-26-94 Campaign Editor for VGA Planets players.v2.00 written by the VGA Planets author
VPM210B.ZIP 46,201 12-08-94 VPMovie 2.10: Compiler/Viewer for VGA Planetsgames. Allows host to create a "Movie" ofwhat happens during the game, for everyone tosee when the game is finished. A must for any
W2002V1B.ZIP 49,324 11-25-94 WIN2002! Version 1.0 Beta. Only the BEST, andperhaps only, Trade Wars trading pair seeker(only one I know of for any version over1.03). More features to come, not a dime outof pocket, it's freeware, at least for now!
WACKY21.ZIP 271,206 01-05-94 Wacky Words V2.1 - A Word & Puzzle Door Game.Back Words - try to find all the words in apuzzle, but the words are spelled backwards.Word Jumble - try to unscramble a given wordin less then three tries. Compatible with
WAD10.ZIP 62,897 06-24-94 Wand Ad Door V1.0 By Alan Davenport -Supports Non-Std Irq - Fossil - To 115200 Bps
WAKE.ZIP 26,937 12-21-94 Don't Wake The Sysop v1.0 A simple but funbbs game. Give your users a new way to logoff of your system!
WALL093.ZIP 46,467 06-26-94 WALL OF WISDOM (c) 1994 Atlantis Software Thebest and most colorful wall writer around!Users can choose which color to write with.This program is user friendly! Popular BBSdoor for TriBBS, Wildcat, Remote Access,
WALL12.ZIP 95,793 06-30-94 The Wall - Graffitti Door ver 1.2 - Easy touse, many options. Callers can leave any 10line message or BBS ad. Callers can read thewall with over 10 search modes supported.Fully configurable by the sysop. Supports
WALL35.ZIP 44,496 09-08-94 The Graffiti Wall v3.5 (C) Copyright 1994. ATronix Developer's production by CJ aka ChaThe Graffiti Wall v3.5 is a freeware productiThis onliner is compatible with several BBS t
WALL52.ZIP 26,361 08-09-94 THE WALL 5.2. A Great Grafitti Wall Door.Support for TriBBS, Spitfire, Wildcat,PCBoard, & DOOR.SYS. New Features and bugfixes.
WAND14TW.ZIP 53,362 12-29-94 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=THE WANDERERS 1.4 - for TradeWars version2-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=THE WANDERERS is one of several add-on's forTradeWars 2002 2 from the TW-EXTENDERS series
WCC110.ZIP 138,870 07-08-94 Word Criss Cross (Door Game) ver. 1.10Attempt to make 5 letter words in this 5x5grid. Displays the status of the remainingletters. If you like scrabble take a look atthis! User controlable colors. Challanging.
WFB!10.ZIP 1607,484 03-26-94 T&J Software's World Factbook Door v1.0:Supports most BBS systems, fossil drivers,and digiboard systems. Contains info. onevery country in the world according to the1993 World Factbook Data. Requires
WFRT110.ZIP 83,159 09-30-94 WAY FREIGHT-Vers 1.10- No time for thatsecond cup of coffee you've got a long busyday ahead in this fascinating door game ofrail operations on the single freight trainlevel. You are chief engineer and must
WHODUN54.ZIP 274,126 05-16-94 Who Done It Door Game V5.4 - "Clue" Like DoorGame.
WILDWAL1.ZIP 34,545 01-31-94 WILDWALL! The ultimate Graphitti wall!Supports RIP,ANSI and any BBS that can DropDOOR.SYS. Many, many features! Get this! Allthe rest are just BEANS! HoHSoft Exclusive!!!
WIMB110.ZIP 107,387 07-08-94 Wager In-Between Cards (Door Game) 1.10 CardGame where 2 cards are displayed. The userthen wagers that the next card be higher thanthe first and lower than the second. Odds of
WM3D126A.ZIP 74,984 10-24-94 >>>>>>>>>>> Wizard Maze 3D V1.26 <<<<<<<<<<<100 levels of confusing 3D mazes. Your usersenter as a young apprentice who hasmistakenly put himself on trial. They mustnavigate the mazes using spells, automap, and
WM820.ZIP 235,218 01-31-95 Word Mix On-Line Door Game for most BBS ProgrWord Mix is a Multi-Level Scrambled Word Gamelevel 1 words are 5-7 characters long, level3 words are 12-15 characters. Points are 5, 1
WNTAD101.ZIP 90,214 04-11-94 WantAd Door. Users Buy/Sell Automatically!Uploaded By: Robert Lee
WOF56.ZIP 186,127 03-14-94 WHEEL of FORTUNE - Door Game v5.6 . Part ofthe Sunrise Door Collection Plays like thepopular TV game show. Includes puzzledatabase manager with automatic puzzlechanges via your nightly event process ! NEW
WORD14.ZIP 159,756 10-19-94 Word Scramble v1.4 On-Line Door Game See howfast your users can unscramble the word.SCRAMBLE ONLINE DOOR GAME WorldwideProgramming (209) 497-6722
WOTV2_0.ZIP 46,135 11-04-94 Wall Of Truth 2.0! MULTI-NODE Aware! Supports7 post, 2 lines each! User selects the colorof their post! Alias support. Time stamp foreach post! User can address the post to a
WPDOGS12.ZIP 235,637 12-28-94 WPDOGS v1.2 Excellent On-Line Dog RacingSimulation. Color graphics let you watch thedogs run around the track. Has all thebetting options of the real dog races. A MUSTSEE for any BBS/Sysop.
WPPOKE24.ZIP 93,144 01-03-95 WPPOKER v2.4 Excellent Video Poker MachineOn-line Game. Has multiple styles of pokerincluding Straight, Double Down, SecondChance, Jokers Wild, Deuces Wild, and Deuces& Jokers Wild. A MUST SEE for any BBS/Sysop.
WRD105.ZIP 111,816 09-01-94 Word Power. Version 1.05. The BBS membermakes as many words as he can from a dailylist of letters.
WRDWAR10.ZIP 339,685 01-15-95 WORD WAR - Door Game v1.0 . Part of theSunrise Door Collection The object of WordWar is to create as many words as you canfrom 15 randomly chosen letters. Dictionaryis included! Makeup games missed during the
WRMBJ.ZIP 65,203 09-23-94 Vegas BLACKJACK v2.2. Another door from WRMSystems. Vegas BlackJack is played the sameas in Las Vegas. A single deck is used andshuffled every 3 hand. If you are a cardcounter then this is the game for you. Double
WRMPOKR.ZIP 69,992 11-21-94 Vegas Poker v1.8 Poker Door Game. Vegas Pokeris played the same as Five card Poker. Asingle deck is used and shuffled every hand.Set Payoff from 2 and Better to 9 and Better.DesqView aware. Non-Standard Comm. ports
XMAS!10.ZIP 140,786 06-01-94 Christmas! Trivia v1.0 - BBS Door aboutChristmas traditions past and present. Youreally need to register this one and get theexpanded database with well over 300questions. RIP Supported, many BBS types too.
YAHTZEE.ZIP 157,550 07-04-94 Yahtzee v1.6 On-Line Yahtzee Door Game Agreat yahtzee door game, nice ANSI graphicsPlays just like regular Yahtzee we all knowYAHTZEE DOOR GAME Worldwide Programming (209)497-6722
YANG110.ZIP 73,883 05-31-94 YANG FIST 1.10 Oriental Hand to hand combat,mystical disciplines with special powers, anda touch of magic. New version features playerfights and somewhat smarter opponents. RIPand ANSI.
YANK105.ZIP 246,228 01-22-95 Yankees & Red Necks 1.05 The "BEST" just gotBETTER! HOT new action! "Bad to the Bone" D&Dstyle HACK & SLASH game. New features addedand old "bugs" squashed. EASY setup! Simple
YSWHAT10.ZIP 114,906 09-24-94 YOU SAID WHAT! V1.0. We give you the QUOTEand you give us the person(s), movie, TV showor place. Quote Trivia Door with over 500quotes available. DEMO Version, NOT CRIPPLED.Written by..... Those Two Programming Guys!
ZBASE202.ZIP 112,808 10-07-94 ZBase 2.02.1 Beta-RIP/Ansi BBS Lister A greatDoor for your BBS Listings! Features:Database, Display's 5 of your favorite BBSlists! Includes Ansibase a Dbase for Fullscreen adds for BBS's. Users Upload adds
ZC0108D.ZIP 286,901 01-05-95 ZChat Advanced Teleconference System v01.08The ULTIMATE chat system! Impressive windoweinterface. Billing support. 300 users can cat one time! Highly optimized for OS/2,DV,Wi
ZIPVW10.ZIP 21,929 06-23-94 ZipView v1.0 - Online BBS internal archive viAllow users of your BBS to view any file frwithin a ZIP while online!
ZWORDZ21.ZIP 152,736 01-29-94 Z-WORDZ v2.1 - Multi-BBS Door Program What doyou get when you mix a little bit ofCrossWord puzzles with a little bit ofScrabble? Toss in a colorful screen displayalong with a 950+ word dictionary & you have
_TCH104.ZIP 121,728 11-25-94 !!!!! T O M M C H A T 1.01 !!!!! A Door whichturns your BBS into a multi-user chat line!Full remote c0 functions, Generic andIntelligent Actions, supports four door infofile types, no special hardware or special